A collection of short stories & free writing, that found their timely existence on paper.
Lemon Grass
She flinched. As her mother stormed up and down the house, yelling at every moving specimen as if they couldn't hear her. It amazed the girl how her mother, who a few minutes ago, couldn't even talk at a normal decibel without coughing mucus and almost starving of air, could suddenly take on this new persona, almost as if possessed, to shout so loud that it drowned out every other sound, every bird, grasshopper, crickets and humans. The voice boomed...
Muscle Memory
She let go of the brakes. The car began to move while her mind drifted in reverse to the past, that felt so foreign to her that one would think it didn’t even belong to her. She too would think of those times as though they were someone else’s; as though she was just borrowing another person’s story, except that she was in fact that other person and that, in fact, was her story. In these moments of unwarranted trance...
Hot Chocolate
Her brown eyes scanned his cut jawline and then moved up to his brown eyes, paused for a minute as if she were reading the back cover of a book before deciding to buy it. He looked back at her briefly. They both knew they were in love. They had been for a while now. Except for her hidden tiredness, nothing had changed...
The Aliens
It was brief. Each breath. She couldn’t tell the last time she felt a full breath. Her back was slightly hunched, too soon for her age. Her shoulders rounded and falling in front, too much weight. It wasn’t her choice, you see. She was chosen. Her body subtly reflected her circumstance and now she started to resemble them...
Two missed calls
The phone rang. Again. Katherine (Katy) had become so sensitive and accustomed to its vibration, that she could hear it from a remarkable distance away. She always kept it on silent, for the sake of her own sanity, which need guarding...
The Walk
After their lunch, a nap, and some tea, they would almost unanimously walk up to the porch, as though they had somehow learned how to tell time by looking at the light spilling into their doorstep. "What shall we talk about today?" he quietly asked hiding his impatience as he felt her hesitancy. "I'm not sure, what the point is. It isn't like you can help." "I can listen" he replied, almost ashamed that that was all he could offer...